Pearl Lo

Founder of Unison Production

Pearl Lo
Founder of Unison Production

A music enthusiast bringing life to numerous events by providing extraordinary live music, Pearl Lo is the one behind the good show. Her love towards music guides her education and career path. She is a graduate of Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts in Vocal Studies (1997), she then dedicated to music teaching. With her knowledge and taste of music, her network in the local music scene and her vision to a potential job industry, Pearl established Unison Production in 2001. She is known to be an avant-garde in presenting professional live band music as a trend.

“Enjoy the music like we do” — with this core corporate value on mind, Pearl uplifts music as a magical factor which is essential in every function, in which Unison Production is particularly distinct in music arrangement for wedding parties. Pearl, as a producer and manager, assembles a bunch of talented proficient musicians for her clients. In fact they are magicians in a party, by performing in the right time and manner as well as adapting to the MOMENTS — the rundown, the atmosphere, the background of the guests, the fluctuation of emotion and reaction of the crowd. Pearl believes that live music contributes events with fun, dynamics and excitement, it makes the party high. For nearly 15 years, she has succeeded in bringing unforgettable gatherings to the hosts and the guests which may also be once-in-a-lifetime. She is also proud of witnessing the precious moments especially in wedding parties. As a key expert role in an event, Pearl makes sure the enjoyment of music and party as a pledge.

Over a decade, Pearl leads Unison Production to an acclaimed position in the industry. This music authority is also succeeded in turning the role of live band prominent. Pearl is strong in line-up local top musicians. A team of musicians is not another component to show the scale of an event, nor are they a physical form of CD-jingle-music. In contrary, they are the soul of live music, they are influential to the ambiance, they are the favaourable sidemen to the host. The song list is already on their mind whether is it classical, jazz, Western or Canton Pop. They do not play background music, instead they play interactively with the guests and constantly adjust the tunes responsively in order to make the show eventful. Equally important to Unison Production is that, they would offer more exposure to musicians with reasonable wage and in proper working condition.

Unison Production delivers music production service to various events including but not limited to wedding banquet, cocktail party, dinner reception, corporate conference, annual dinner, press conference and birthday party. Pearl and Unison Production out-stand their exceptional services by word of mouth. Popular celebrities, wealthy families and large corporation in town all show their thumbs up to Unison Production (, to name a few, the Kwok Family of Sun Hung Kai, the Cheng Family of New World Development, the wedding ceremony of Guo Jingjing and Kenneth Fok, the birthday party of the design guru Alan Chan and the annual party of his company). Pearl often builds friendship with clients and partners because of her generosity, sincerity and attentiveness. Bob Lam, local celebrity host, credited her as ‘a Rolex’ in her profession(; Alan Chan came to Pearl and said ‘your music surprised me!’, such a compliment from a high-standard artist). Pearl’s interview can be seen on a number of newspapers, magazines and online radio. From time to time, she shared her rich experience to media.

Give your trust to Pearl, for she is an experienced specialist. Forget about the standard rate card or combo package, as Unison Production offers tailor-made service. You are welcomed to check out their portfolio at the official website and make an appointment with Pearl. In a face-to-face conversation, give both side a chance to express and listen. If you go for Unison, they will take the lead to arrange personalized music. You will be assured that all musicians are carefully chosen under equal opportunity.

Contact number: 2540 0328
Official Website:
Address: Unit 1201-02, 12/F, The Broadway, 54-62 Lockhart Road Wan Chai

勞佩珩 Pearl Lo
Unison Production Fonder

為無數宴會提供高水準現場音樂服務的統籌人Pearl,擁有深厚的音樂底子,一生與音樂結緣。1997年畢業於香港演藝學院聲樂系後,曾任職小學音樂教師,憑著專業音樂知識、行業經驗與廣闊人脈,於2001年成立Unison Production,成為行業先鋒,使宴會現場奏樂成為趨勢。

“Enjoy the music like we do”,是Unison Production創辦理念。喜歡音樂的Pearl將音樂的魔法施展在宴會上――尤其在婚宴上,10多年來凝聚一班同樣對音樂抱熱誠的專業樂手,根據宴會環節、現場氣氛、賓客的背景、情緒與反應等而設想,奏出適時適當的音樂,為宴會帶來動力,為嘉賓帶來驚喜,使現場氣氛更上一層樓,真正做到與眾同樂。以音樂為主人家及來賓締造畢生難忘的派對,正是Pearl的信念與服務承諾;她樂於見證新人及主辦人的重要時刻,與會者的笑容驅使她更努力前進。

10多年來,Pearl帶領Unison Production提升音樂人在宴會上的決定性位置,在行內饒富公信力。她深信現場樂隊既非展現排場的佈景配角,樂隊的作用亦非又一番背景音樂,不同意根據死板曲目而演出。相反,樂師們的地位舉足輕重,影響力超乎視聽享受。Pearl網羅本地一流專業樂手,熟練古典、爵士、中外經典及流行曲,以各種樂器和歌聲注入樂手的心思,帶動賓客情緒,其應變力與互動性實無可取代;遇上主人或賓客即席高歌,現場樂隊亦作出可靠配合和忠實支持。藉著Unison Production,Pearl期望為專業樂師提供更多演出機會,亦致力為他們爭取合理待遇及演出環境。

Unison Production服務涵蓋婚宴、上市祝捷會、公事聚餐、周年晚宴、發佈會、壽宴甚至音樂製作。風格低調務實的Pearl與Unison Production以質素贏取口碑及累積忠實客戶,其中不乏城中名人、顯赫家族及大型企業公司,為他們譜下精彩盛會,(計有新鴻基地產郭氏家族、新世界發展鄭氏家族、郭晶晶與霍啟剛證婚儀式、著名設計師陳幼堅先生的生日派對及其公司之周年晚宴等)。Pearl個性爽朗率直但真誠貼心,往往與客戶及工作夥伴成為摯友,著名主持人及藝人林盛斌Bob曾盛讚她為行中的勞力士,彰顯她的可靠和地位(;一向要求嚴謹的陳幼堅先生亦表示Unison Production的音樂帶來莫大驚喜)。Pearl又曾接受多份報章、雜誌和網絡電台訪問,在無缐電視J2台 “Big boys club” 及新城電台分享其職場體驗及心得。

Pearl聆聽客戶所需的同時,亦希望客戶信任其豐富經驗和專業知識,讓她主動安排選曲、編排,公平公正地選定樂手班底,帶給客戶最適切的組合。因此,Unison Production不設套餐選項或硬性價目表,Pearl相信 ‘no party is the same’,預設形式既不專業,亦未必適合客戶個人所需;透過會面對談,讓雙方充分理解,Pearl準能以觸覺及眼界替客戶組合專屬服務。歡迎到 Unison 官網參考過往案例,並致電約見。

聯絡電話:2540 0328

人民網人物專訪 - Unison Production 創辦人Ms Pearl Lo